What are we doing?

Click to see and read about each stage of the trip.

  • Choir on the QM2

    Choir on the QM2

    (thinking of UMD Chorale, SJC, BSU, and my old Castleton Singers!) We joined the choir!! Yes, the Queen Mary II has a choir and Sarah and I are…

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  • Life on the Queen Mary II

    Life on the Queen Mary II

    I can’t believe we are on the high seas heading across the ocean. Life on the ship has been really interesting with a mix of people using the…

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  • Who Ya Gonna Call?

    Who Ya Gonna Call?

    Today we are are supposed to be excited to board to board the Queen Mary II to finally achieve our (well Ronnie’s) dream of crossing the Atlantic by…

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  • And we are off!

    And we are off!

    Today we begin our amazing adventure. We left Plymouth, MA by Uber to the train station in Providence, RI. It was a cold and very windy start to…

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