Welcome to Our Adventure!

Two Professors Abroad

Meet our Family

Dr. Sarah McQuarrie

Bridgewater State University

Sarah is Professor of Music Education, Chair of the Music Department, and Co-Founder of the Social Justice Choir of Southeastern Massachusetts. In the performance world she is a pianist who has served as accompanist for many university ensembles, churches, and music festivals. She is also the organizing force behind this adventure. It is no small task keeping up her musicianship while also herding the two boys!

Thomas Sherwin

Nathaniel Morton Elementary School

Thomas Sherwin is a soprano who has been traveling the world since he was old enough to be carried onto an airplane. His first professional performance was as soloist for a festival performance of Howard Goodall’s The Lord is my Shepherd. In addition to being an active singer in several choirs, he plays trombone in his school band, and loves musical theater. On this adventure he is serving as the international reporter for the N.M.E.S. News. He is also honing his Minecraft skills.

Dr. Ronald Sherwin

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Ronnie is Chair of Music & Theater Arts, Director of Choral Activities, and Co-Founder of the Social Justice Choir of Southeastern Massachusetts. He is a choir director at heart who loves bringing diverse people of varying musical skills together to create empowering performances. As an undergraduate Ronnie studied both music and art history and is excited to be on this adventure sharing first hand with his family the music and art sights he studied. He is doing his best not to annoy his family!