Hey Everyone! I hope you are enjoying this narrative on our little adventure. You are probably thinking that it has been unusually stress free for such a major undertaking. And thanks to Sarah, you would be correct. But now that it is resolved I have decided to create a post to show that early on I did create a little bit of a crises. So prepare to learn just how dumb I can be!
Very early one morning, barely a week and a half into our trip, we were in London rushing to get to the train to Paris. Unfortunately, in the excitement of trying to make sure I had my passport accessible, I lost my phone and based on “find my phone” was convinced I dropped it down a sewer grate while getting into our taxi. Fortunately, I had actually dropped it in our hotel room and later that day a house-cleaner found it! Unfortunately, the hotel was horrible and outright refused to even allow me to pay them to mail it to me. Fortunately, they suggested I hire a service to come get the phone, package it, and find a service to ship it to me. Unfortunately, they refused to tell me what sort of service does that in London. Fortunately, Howard Goodall’s assistant helped me find a service. Unfortunately, there was a problem with customs allowing my phone to be sent to another country. Fortunately, I was allowed to mail a phone to my home in the U.S. and Laurie McQuarrie was coming to visit us in Europe! Unfortunately, she was not coming for two months! Fortunately, time flies when you are having fun and now, I have my phone!
So, if you wondered why I was not texting much, or spending time on social media, it was because I am an idiot! But my phone is back!

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