Today we are are supposed to be excited to board to board the Queen Mary II to finally achieve our (well Ronnie’s) dream of crossing the Atlantic by Ocean Liner (something I have learned is very different from a Cruise Ship). BUT, instead as the parents of one of Plymouth, MA’s paranormal investigators, we are actually most excited to head to Hook & Ladder 8! The movie home of the Ghostbusters and the real home to active New York firefighters. But first we went over to the Empire State Building! What an exciting morning.
On our way back from the firehouse we stopped so Tommy could have a real NYC Bagel (I had strawberry cream cheese and it was like dessert for breakfast). Then back to the hotel to get ready to head to the ship. But not until having to kill time because we have a boarding delay since the stomach bug had broken out on the way into New York and the ship is delayed in port until a full decontamination is done. Yikes, I really don’t want a sick stomach while braving the waves of the North Atlantic in the winter!
And then, it was time. We took a cab from Manhattan to Brooklyn where Tommy got to cross the Brooklyn bridge for the first time! and then we saw her. The majestic Queen Mary II.
Boarding was pretty quick through security and passport control, and soon we found our room, stood on our balcony, and toasted the start of our cruise with the chilled champagne that was waiting for us. I think I am going to like this! It was truly like going back in time to the 1930s. Which also means that after checking in at our safety location, it was time to dress for dinner! We have a private table and are located near a table with a kind French family who are headed home after their own adventure.
After dinner we put on our cold weather gear and headed out to watch the Manhattan Skyline disappear as we headed to sea. And, while this is not a cruise ship, there was a single tiny bar where I had to have a pint!
What a day! Empire State Building, Ghostbuster Station, NYC Bagel, Brooklyn Bridge, and watching NYC disappear as we head to England.