Today, after about a month of traveling, we finally get on an airplane! Since January 2nd it has only been Uber, Trains, Boats, and Busses. We leave Munich and head for Istanbul and finally Ankara, Turkey! Home to the school for American Military children as well as the children of diplomats from around the world. A real educational experience awaits us.
After settling in at the Munich airport, and finding the terminal for Air Pegasus, we had a leisurely coffee and sandwich. I really wanted a final Hofbräuand and a doughnut, but I behaved. We got on our plane and had a nice flight to Istanbul. I could not believe I was there. Unfortunately, this is where things got a bit stressful. We only had 50 minutes to board our flight onward to Ankara and had to go through customs before catching our second flight to Ankara and most of the custom lanes were closed. We just barely made it through and caught our flight. –Hoping that our luggage was sent ahead as promised.
We arrived in Ankara on what they called a “domestic” flight and went to the assigned baggage claim. Our luggage was NOT THERE. Eventually we were told that while we were on a domestic flight, our luggage was considered international and was in a different part of the airport. The luggage center told us to leave the terminal and go to a different location. We dutifully followed their directions only to learn that we had technically left the airport and could not get into the luggage claim. A very kind Turkish Customs Officer brought us in the “out” and we found our luggage and headed for a cab.
Things did not get any easier as we speak no Turkish and the cabbie knew no English, our apartment is 45 minutes from the airport (Ankara is HUGE), and the district was unfamiliar to the driver. He was a very kind older man and thus with phones and maps we figured it out and he took us to our new home. Unfortunately, we did not know what it looked like or where it was and even when we theoretically arrived, the driver would not leave until he saw us get access into our building. We tipped him well and were incredibly thankful for his kindness.
Our apartment is awesome, and we would soon learn is located in the embassy district just a stone’s throw from the American Embassy. By now it was 9PM (we lost two hours from Germany) and we were exhausted, hungry, and I had a stress headache from all the challenges of the day. We wandered around and could not find a place to eat that did not look like a formal restaurant. So, we gave up and found a little market, where a nice clerk helped us get nuts, chips, beer, wine, and of course Fanta for Tommy. Ironically, it ended up being a fun late-night dinner! And then it was off to bed, hoping tomorrow will be a little less stressful.
But the stress would find us again tomorrow and this time to focus was on Thomas. But at least we decide if we are in Europe or Asia. Stay tuned…

One response to “Turkey – Is that Asia?”
Geography speaking it’s both